Why are my knees hurting? The answer might be in your hips & ankles!


Are you dealing with knee pain? It’s time to address where it’s ACTUALLY coming from!

Your knee is most likely not the cause of your knee pain.

Unless you have an acute injury (which means something happened directly to the knee), degenerative disease or a total knee replacement, your knee pain is most likely stemming from your ankle and/or your hip. When the ankle or hip aren’t moving optimally, the joints above and below tend to compensate — which often leads to knee pain.

Here are two of the best things you can do to take care of your knees (Spoiler Alert: they have nothing to do with moving your knees!):

  1. Mobilize. Increase the range of motion and flexibility of your ankles and hips.
  2. Strengthen. Increase the strength of muscles surrounding your ankles and hips; with an extra focus on glute strength.

Resilient knees come from mobile strong, hips and ankles. In my Mobility Recovery program we have a targeted knee routine that focuses on just that!

Be sure to join the Private JUST MOVE Facebook Group for more tips and to connect with community members!

Always remember to listen to your body! Have questions or need modifications for any of the exercises? Email our team at info@kaisafit.com

116 Reviews Mentioning Knees

No Excuses

“The ‘No Excuses Challenge’ is truly excellent. Whether you are kickstarting a fitness regime, or are already there, it will work you! It was what I needed to add some different elements to and shake up my plan. The 15 minute chunks are manageable and it’s tough - particularly that nasty side plank into whatever that hellish ‘keep your knee and elbow extension’ set is called! I feel As though my obliques were re-introduced to me in week one. Love the mobility element too. Needed that. I can honestly say that spending 15 minutes with you is a real pleasure too. Highly recommend regardless of your fitness level as it will put you through your paces and set you up on a positive path. I don’t want it to end!”

— Sarah C.

JUST MOVE Membership

“This program has helped me get so much stronger! I make modifications where needed, as I am in a larger body than I would like, but I am still able to follow along. The mobility programs have really helped with my knee pain and overall fitness. Just love these workouts!!”

— Victoria W.

Mobility One

“After a foot surgery years ago, my walking gait changed and I developed hip, knee, back and neck pain with restrictions. At 40 I felt like an older lady. It was devastating me. Kaisa introduced mobility in my life and I'm able to squat and move like the young woman I am. I LOVE Kaisafit! Thank you”

— Leah R.

Start Moving Subscription

“Just started (no pun intended, haha) with the first workout. Coming from being an ex-athletic person and a now totally sedentary human that needs to lose 100lbs, has janky knees, and feels pain daily just by being, let alone exercising, I'm grateful for this level of beginning. I'm a super busy mom in the middle of an intense 6 month bootcamp (of the educational kind) and have been really down and embarrassed at what poor shape I'm in. Going to the gym is a personal hurdle I'm not ready for. I've had this subscription for a long time but never used it. I just tailored my home office to be able to turn my computer monitor so it faces the space of the room vs. my office chair easily, put one of our dining room chairs in that space, and am committing to including "Start Moving" as a part of my personal commitment to myself of losing 100lbs in 1 year. I'm excited to feel good in my body again, and StartMoving is going to help me get there. This is the first workout routine that feels DOABLE for me by being gentle enough for a ROSH (Recovering Overly Sedentary Human)and set in small pieces of time that I will grow as my habit/routine becomes established. And I'm not embarrassed! I love Kaisa's positive vibe and inclusive attitude. I also appreciated the (paraphrasing) "Now, if you hear some snap, crackle, and popping - that is totally normal and fine as long as you're not having pain with it", because I have a LOT of that noise going on! Today is Day One of my journey, I'm happy to have this program to help me... START.”

— Alissa A.

JUST MOVE Membership

“As a high impact group fitness instructor this helps my knees, feet and hips so much! I do this in the morning while I'm getting ready for the day, there is noticeably less tension and pain in my legs. Highly recommend!”

— Kristen R.

JUST MOVE Membership

“I had a blast with this workout. I did warm up with mobility. I did have to modify some things as I am still in recovery for a knee replacement.”

— Brenda V.

JUST MOVE Membership

“Just joined, was a KaisaFit fit member for a number of years. 2020 things changed. Started with a misdiagnosed sprained ankle that was broken. So in a brace then a boot for a longtime. Lots of limping lead to hip issues. Then fractured my knee 2 places and torn lateral meniscus. (Hit by a dog in flyball) all of which ended in a total hip Replacment in July. Sooo super outta shape but cleared for everything!! Day 2 really drove home how much I need this. I preach now how to NEVER EVER take your mobility for granted. I just want my strength back ❤️”

— Lisa K.

JUST MOVE Membership

“I use this warmup All. The. Time. and I've never used it for a walk, haha. It's the perfect gentle movement to ease into the day, so I often use it first thing in the morning or before a more intense exercise class. Currently, I'm rehabbing from a knee injury, and this is perfect as a warmup for PT because the lateral movement is very controlled and there's basically no chance for me to slip or lose balance, and it also hits all the stabilizing joints and muscles that can get so cranky when you have an imbalance due to injury (or whatever cause). tl;dr = big fan!”

— J S.

START Moving

“Great way to get back into movement when arthritis has taken over your knees.”

— Sandy B.

START Moving

“Excellent opening week with a knee surgery recovery. Thank you for this.”

— Glenna P.

JUST MOVE Membership

“Great low impact cardio for those of us with janky knees. I was able to slow down when necessary, but my heart rate stayed up. Didn't feel like I was cheating.”

— Tenetta C.

JUST MOVE Membership

“I’m three months out from total knee replacement and this was a perfect explanation of how I should be doing squats. Much better than my PT.”

— Lynne .

JUST MOVE Membership

“I was able to completel. Even with bad knees just didn't extend as long and deep.”

— Kahlettam M.

JUST MOVE Membership

“I am so thankful for this program! I have led a sedentary life for a few years and had a knee injury. This is the exact ticket that I needed to get on the road to an active life again!”

— Barbara A.

JUST MOVE Membership

“i have stiff hips and knees so this is a suuuper goood strech!! thank you, thank you, thank you!!”

— Jordana L.

Mobility Bundle

“Super relaxing and energizing at the same time. I work on my feet for 10 hours a day. My back, hips, shoulders and knees all feel the effect. A quick workout in the morning? I'm ready to start my day with relative physical ease! Standing for a few minutes on break? Do that quick Mobility workout again! Combine short sessions with longer ones and alternate days. Combine some moves with my resistance bands to really burn that booty! Loving it so far! easy to memorize the moves and the sequences. That makes getting in a little 'Mobility' possible throughout the day!”

— Karen S.

JUST MOVE Membership

“I love these mobility workouts! They make such a huge difference to my strength, flexibility, and overall health. I tore an ACL ten years ago and thought I would never be able to do squats again, or even any leg exercises that called for a lot of lunging or knee bends. KaisaFit changed all that! I’m more mobile and stronger than ever! Great workouts!”

— Helen M.

START Mobility

“This is a great workout to start my morning! Stretches everything, works large muscle groups gently and focuses my breath. It is the first thing I do before I even leave my bedroom. It also motivates me to walk or do my weights after breakfast. No floor work is great because of my periphery nerve damage I cannot get on my knees or lower limbs easily.”

— Leslie H.

Mobility One

“The Mobility One program has saved my life. Within a week the differences were life altering. I have much less pain in my knees and feet, and my arthritis is no longer keeping me awake at night. I was able to go sledding with my grandson and outlasted him. I feel amazing. Thank You!”

— Audrey B.

START Mobility

“I LOVE the mobility workouts!! My knees and hips have never been happier! I also appreciate the chair routines - I’d love to see more of those.”

— Laura G.

START Moving

“So far this has been great! I’m one week in and while it feels easy( I am sometimes prone to pushing through), I appreciate that although gentle i definitely feels it the next day no am dealing with a knee injury and committed to a slow gentle rehab, so I’m feeling grateful for this at this time. Looking forward to building my kaisafit library as I continue to heal.”

— Sue C.

START Strong

“you are so encouraging and enthusiastic... i am so surprised i am able to do all of the videos even with " squeaky"knees. love my purchases so far best Devra”

— Devra P.

START Moving

“Like so many fitness “products” I had seen KaisaFit on Instagram for a long time but was doubtful it could do what it said. I finally did a little research on it to find that at a minimum Kaisa is a real person and it’s a legitimate program. The price is so reasonable I decided to try it. For the first time in nearly a year I did not take ibuprofen before going to bed last night to be able to sleep. I’d been having deep hip pain since the summer, and two knee injuries that, along with COVID, have limited my activity level to the point where I’ve gone backward on my fitness. I’m a cyclist, but a “plus” size person so other body weight programs don’t work for me, and traditional yoga does not work for my knees. This program has absolutely improved how my hips, knees, and overall body felt from the first 10 minute mobility video. I look forward to continuing at the start level as my knee heals, moving up as my body allows. I hope this will have me back on my bike by the time warm temps show up.”

— Sarah B.

Team Workout Series

“Are you kidding me? What a surprise! I was gifted these workouts for free!!! What??!!?! I’m so excited to try these workouts out! I absolutely love everything else ‘Kaisa’ that I have. I recently injured my knee and was so happy and relieved to come upon Kaisa’s Mobility Start program. I enjoy it so much, I jumped at the chance to buy the rest of her programs.”

— Mandy S.

START Strong

“Love it. Love it. Love it. I’m an active out of doors type of person rather than exercise class type of person. I’ve had arthritis since I was young which has been challenging but I’ve always tried to keep moving. So here I am in 2020, at the age of 66, learning how to exercise indoors! I love the way Kaisa teaches how to do each exercise safely ... and I can now do squats without hurting my dodgy knees. Kaisa’s warmth and energy is beyond motivational ... she is amazing! 👏♥️🙏”

— Judy B.

Home Workout Bundle

“LOVE your workouts! I have been following you on Instagram and incorporating the workouts you post into my weekly regimen. I'm so glad that I bought the Home Workout Bundle so I have them all! My knees haven't been bothering me as much as they usually do, the balance and stability work that you have in your moves have really helped. I can't thank you enough.”

— Liz h.

START Mobility

“Fifty-ache plus years old and needing to compensate for a desk job so I thought I'd try Kaisa Fit. Start Mobility is very gentle on cranky knees. A bare week in and balancing is getting better, so's the mobility. I do the 30 minute one daily, and can feel it working my abs, as well loosening up hips, neck and shoulders. I love Kaisa's cheerful and encouraging style and enjoy being a member of The Team. Very happy I bought this program!”

— Keera F.

START Mobility

“I did the 30 minute start mobility program. It was great and I felt looser and more flexible afterwards. One caution: balancing all my weight on the chair with two hands (for the precursor exercise to down dog) caused the chair to flip down and I landed hard on my knees. Best to push the chair up against the wall.”


START Mobility

“I have been dealing with lower back, hip and knee issues for the past couple of years accepting this is as good as it’s going to get. Limited mobility, weight gain and niggling pain. But after discovering this program, I am moving again and feeling so good about myself, it’s changed my whole outlook on everything. You are so encouraging and motivating - it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for. Thank you so very much, Kaisa!”

— Rachel K.

Mobility Bundle

“It's been fantastic! Knees and hips still a bit tight. But feeling better within myself Thankyou”

— Paul H.

START Mobility

“I'm a 52 year old woman and was intimidated about getting back into working out after a couple of months of doing nothing. My joints, especially hips, felt stiff, and my knees hurt. I was SO HAPPY to use the 10 minute video a few times because the amount of time felt doable. The moves provided a great stretch and did not need more strength than I have. That helped me feel brave enough to try the 30 minute video a couple of days ago, and I've now done that twice. Again, great full-body stretch and not intimidating. I wake up feeling more limber and happier! I'm planning to step it up soon and try other videos. Thank you so much!”

— Nishma B.

START Mobility

“I just did the 10 min and 5 min stretch sessions. I feel like she knows me and what my body needs. I am 60, and my work has me in front of a computer for hours a day. I have avoided exercise due to an ankle injury and some arthritis in my knee. The wall stretch gives me hope that I may be able to work up to a real workout again. So grateful for her gentle encouragement and “no judging” of my miserable fitness level.”

— Peg M.

Mobility One

“My husband and I have been working on our health because as we get closer to 40, we want to maintain and even improve our mobility. I have been plagued with knee and back problems since I was 20, and this workout is completely attainable for me. In fact, it has even helped with my back pain. I'm a plus-sized woman (size 16-18), and I can vouch for the accessibility of this workout for any body type for any level of fitness you are starting with. I can't wait to level up in a few weeks to one of Kasia's other programs. Don't bother wasting money on one of those popular subscription-based workout apps. This is the workout system you've been looking for.”

— Kristin S.

Mobility Bundle

“Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts! I purchased the Mobility One program first, looking to get my my body moving with flow and ease again after a 4 year hiatus without a good regular exercise program. As a former fitness instructor I was able to modify some of the moves into a form that worked for me. And I really enjoyed having the printable workout to use at my own pace once I learned the movement and flow of each exercise. I was very excited to see the availability of a bundle, which includes a knee friendly version as well as core, cardio, and strength workouts! So THANK YOU! I'm looking forward to trying out the rest of the programs! The one and only thing that I would love to see... is a printout of each of the Mobility workouts. The printouts give the freedom of pace and working with our own music or none. But overall... WELL DONE!”

— Melody S.

START Mobility

“Just started with Start Mobility. I have really bad knees (arthritis, bilat cruciate tears, past surgeries and a knee that subluxes every time I try to squat) Having a stretching workout that doesn’t rely as heavily on squats or kneeling is a godsend. It makes me feel more limber for the rest of the day. Thanks so much.”

— Chryssi P.

START Mobility

“I'm an elder woman with a total hip replacement. Kaisa's mobility videos looked fun - but were intimidating too. I decided to try them anyway. She added a knee-friendly option and I'm HOOKED. I have been using the videos daily and I'm surprised by how much better I feel, the improvement in range of motion, and the spillover into other activities. My walks are better, my sense of balance is better, even my workdays at a desk seem easier. I feel excited to know I have the confidence and strength to hike and bike again. Thank You!”

— Lisaana O.

START Mobility

“Man! This program came right on time. I had bought a Mobility package and was about to give up on it and request a refund when this program was announced. With arthritis in both knees and my left thumb, floor exercises are just plain hard on me. This program is a standing and sitting program, which is perfect for me. It is so energizing. Now I have a program that will help me work my way up. Thanks!”

— RON F.

START Mobility

“Great great great workout. I am 3 months post knee surgery and it's definitely helping me to slowly regain mobility and flexibility in my knee”

— cheera s.

START Mobility

“I am so glad I finally hit the purchase button on this after seeing it come up on my Instagram feed numerous times! I’ve only done one ten minute one and just finished the 30 min one and feel so free! I have all kinds of lower back, sciatica, and knee issues and every time I get back into my fitness routine and journey (I used to be a personal trainer), I get injured and am out for 2-4 weeks at a time. And it is very discouraging! I have been contemplating doing more mobility training and really believe this will help and ENHANCE my journey!! You are lovely and calming and I am grateful for this!! I plan to do the 10-minute one every morning with my 10-year old son and the 30 minute sometime before bed. Thank you! Thank you!”

— Hagir E.

The 20/20 Challenge

“I am absolutely loving these workouts Kaisa. I was nursing a bad knee when I began the mobility series and i still think those workouts are amazing - thorough and complete body workouts that leave you feeling stretched and empowered. Recently i added in this series too and they are fantastic! They push hard but don't make you feel like you have to push to injury! And they leave you fully satisfied that you have worked your butt for the day! Thanks so much Kaisa. You are a beautiful and gifted person.”

— Kate G.

START Mobility

“Thank you for this Kaisa! I’ve recently had a total hip replacement and also have osteoarthritis in my back, so have really struggled finding workouts which are gentle enough and don’t require getting on the floor (I can get done but can’t get up due to the pain it causes my knees!) I also work long hours so I’m super stiff from sitting all day. These workouts are perfect to keep me mobile!!”

— Caroline B.

START Mobility

“The new Start Mobility series is exactly what I've been looking for, for YEARS! I have serious problems with kneeling, and the new videos focused on sitting or standing positions is an absolute answer to my prayers. Thank you so much for this.”

— Mike M.

Mobility One

“Felt great after finishing the 30-minute workout, and also appreciated the 40-minute one that breaks down some of the moves. Kaisa is a great teacher and does a great job motivating the viewer. I would love to see a more demanding workout in the future, following the same mobility and low impact principles Kaisa promotes, which have been the best for my shoulder condition and back injury. I'm only 31 years old and have always struggled with shoulder, back and knee pain, these exercises have proven to be the best for my aches. After one week of working out with the program, I already feel like my whole body healing. Gracias, Kaisa!”

— Mari O.

The 20/20 Challenge

“I'm 39, T1D (since I was 3) and have struggled with knee issues for a few years now. I really like Kaisa and the way she speaks to the audience, it's hard to explain; it's encouraging and praising but different than any other workout video I've tried. It's better somehow. I'll be honest, I haven't worked out hard in a while and I'm not good at pushing myself. I'm a little concerned about my knees during these workouts but am doing my best to modify w/o losing the intent. I did the warm-up and the 1st 20/20 workout on Monday and wasn't able to do anything until Thursday due to how sore my lower body was lol I'm planning on giving it another go tomorrow, I have a small house and not enough space to workout when it's filled with my teenager and his friends =P I don't love HIIT but this doesn't seem too bad, I'd recommend it in any event lol”


Mobility Strength

“I am 41 year old competitive open water swimmer and 9 weeks into open heart surgery recovery. This is short, gentle, but challenging enough for my current state of healing. It is helping to restore some of my lost mobility and strength from 2 weeks in the hospital and 2 months of limited movement. My suggestions are when facing the audience, to mirror teach. To produce some longer sessions, maybe with some more repetitions or combinations. When doing some of the twists with the arm circles to note keeping the knees in line as you do well. Thank you! Kristin”

— Kristin G.

Mobility Cardio

“I’m 6 months postpartum and let me tell you, this is the push that I needed. I have a really bad lower back and knee pain from carrying around a 45 pound 2 year old and 6 month old. These work outs are low impact and don’t kill your knees or back at all! I love how it focuses on stretching with the heart pumping exercise moves. Thank you so much for creating this!!”

— Cheyenne D.

The Living Room Series

“AbsoluteLy outstanding. Years of a physical job left me with a bad knee post acl repair, disc issues in my back, and just overall stiffness. This program has helped so much in gaining/maintaining physical strength and keeping my body pain free. Keep it going!”

— Jennifer D.

Mobility Strength

“I’m 62 and I’ve been working out for quite a long time doing cardio and strength. Mobility/flexibility not so much. OK, almost never. My New Year’s resolutions have always been to do more yoga but I never did. I really like this mobility/strength. It’s really hard for me because I have such tight hips. I also have knee issues so I modify when I need to but I’m doing it!!I told myself that I would do it every day for 30 days to see what kind of results I would get. I am on day three!”

— Lynne S.

Mobility Cardio

“For Someone with Injuries in my shoulder and knee this is exactly what i was looking for. Sometimes in yoga my muscles can fatigue easily but with this flow makes for a fun, challenging yet super beneficial workout.”

— Jaime L.

Mobility Bundle

“I’m feeling a lot better. Squash, racketball and pickleball games have improved. Knee pain a lot less so I am back on my road bike.”

— John d.

Mobility One

“I'm a 55 year old former soccer player who had meniscus and cartilage surgery on my right knee. Haven't played in five years and took a bit of physical therapy for me to walk and run again. Still active in walking, jump roping and biking, but finding I'm getting much stiffer in hips and joints. Discovered Kaisa's mobility program and completely impressed with her movements. Thank you for thinking about body movement in such a naturalistic way. That is what really appeals to me and you can do it anywhere and anytime! I dig her overall inspiring attitude about health and the health industry as well! Cheers Ms Kaisa and may we always keep moving! -Tony Villador”

— tony v.

Mobility Strength

“Thank you Kaisa for these amazing routines! I'm finally getting stronger and more flexible. Those little pains in de lower back and knees, finally seem to lessen. I can't wait to see more of your workouts :) You explain every steps so smoothly and easy to follow. Love it!”

— Kassandra T.

Mobility Core

“I bought all three mobility workouts and Mobility Core is by far my favorite. I was struggling with a knee injury and it has helped tremendously! It has some elements that feel like pilates which I really enjoy, and I have found it to be the most challenging of the three mobility options, but I like that. I feel like this workout has helped me approach fitness during quarantine in a healthier way than I was able to before and I really like that the emphasis is on physical health and not physical appearance.”

— Blake C.

Mobility Strength

“This past week I've used the mobility program around 5am everyday, all I can saw is "🗣 Ouch". I'm carry muscle pretty well, love to lift and hate to stretch. After multiple surgeries (both Achilles, knee etc) I felt that this might be a good time to work on mobility, I know I'm very hard headed. I'm excited to see how much better my body feels in the future by keeping this routine up. Thanks so much ‐ TSgt Luckey USAF”

— Jarrad L.

Mobility Core

“I have only had Mobility Core for one week. It is super challenging for my current level of (un) fitness, but I've been able to modify the exercises to my ability level, still feel like I've gotten a great workout, and am not sore the next day - which is surprising and awesome. I am excited to be able to measure my gains as I get better at doing the exercises. Hoping eventually I'll be able to touch my knee to my elbows in the pushup position like Kaisa makes look so easy! I also love that there is a lot of emphasis on proper mechanics & breathing. Working all these muscle groups in a full range of motion and stretching them right away feels very healthy and balanced. LOVE IT!!!”

— frances o.

Mobility Strength

“After years of strength training as a rock climber then a trapeze artist then a CrossFit junkie all while I was running marathons and ultras... my body broke. 3 years ago I had my first knee surgery then shoulder rehab then compete and utter frustration with my body. I gave up. Everything hurt and I sat around for 2 years and gained 25 lbs. This program is incredible. I've practiced with my friend for a few weeks and recently purchased the videos for myself. I'm running again, without major joint pain! I even have a half marathon planned for the fall! I can almost do pull-ups again without my shoulder dislocating and over all, my posture is great, my back feels good and mentally I feel great! I hope someday I can meet Kaisa in person to say, "Thank you" for giving me my life back.”

— Anna T.

Mobility One

“Mobility One is just what a needed! Severely injured my knee in a skiing accident a year-and -a-half ago, and have struggled to find workouts that don't hurt so much that they set me back. This definitely challenges me, but is completely doable, and leaves me feeling better than I have in a long time. Goal #1: Regain strength and mobility. Goal #2: Lose recovery weight. I have total faith that Mobility One will get me to where I want to be!”

— Jessica W.

Mobility Core

“Thank you for blending two workouts into one! I have a knee issue I'm dealing with and haven't been able to find a workout that challenges me without causing me pain. This workout is perfect, it challenges my core and adds the mobility component which we all need but so often neglect. THANK YOU AGAIN! Keep up the amazing work.”

— Kira S.

Mobility One

“I love this workout. I been a tennis player for many years. Now I'm doing HIIT workouts and are great but my knees and back started hurting. I decided to try Mobility looking to stretch, move and be strong. This is something new to me, it is challenging but definitely I am increasing my flexibility and strenght. My back and knees injuries are decreasing. Great product! I can't wait for Mobility Core. Thanks Kaisa”

— Jose D.

Mobility One

“Hi Kaisa I did 10 minute warm up and the 30 minute prog with my daughter. I have arthritis in my knees and am overweight but I could do most of the movements. One I couldn’t do was plank to bring your knee forward but I adapted to my ability. As I go forward I am looking for my mobility to improve. Kaisafit gets a big 10 out of 10 from us.”

— Bernie M.

Mobility Strength

“Hi!! I just want to say thanks for creating the mobility strength videos. I haven't been moving that much lately and I've put on a lot of weight. My joints are stiff and tight and just haven't been overly comfortable with myself or how my body is feeling. These videos (I'm still on the 45 min one) are great and I can see myself really incorporating them into my daily life. I really enjoy doing them before bed and as a way to wind down after a busy day. The movements are easy to adjust and aren't hard on my knees which I was worried about. I definitely get a bit of a sweat on! So thank you!! I'm looking forward to trying more of your workouts!”

— Jo J.

Mobility One

“I love this movement series. It incorporates everything that a busy body needs; full range of motion for the joints, multiplanar movements and bilateral sequencing. As a busy mom, who also teaches physical education and adapted physical education, and who has sustained 3 knee operations due to overuse, I HIGHLY recommend this series either on its own or incorporate it into your normal work out regimen! It really leaves you feeling rejuvenated and gets your body ready for full functional movements for life!”

— Angelle G.

Mobility Strength

“I just did my first workout and after two years of crazy (occasionally debilitating) lower back problems, I can actually stand up straight and walk with no pain! I don't know how long it will last since I just finished the workout five minutes ago, but if it lasts 12 hours, I would gladly do this twice a day to keep that up! It's nice to feel like I can move again :-) A couple of these (like the low side lunges) were a bit much for my current knee crackles, but I could easily modify them to get the same movement without the same strain. YAY!”

— Lauren C.

Mobility Strength

“Thank you for taking interest in my opinion of your Mobility Strength workout. I absolutely LOVE the format, I appreciate the fact that you took the time to provide an extended version to breakdown the exercises and the queuing is on point. I'm currently struggling with pain from a torn meniscus and I wasn't able to do most of the exercises, I was wondering if you would consider creating a video that teaches folks to work around knee injuries to help strengthen and loosen the areas that support the knees. Just a thought :) Thank you for your investment in my/our health! You're an incredible instructor and I appreciate your openness and candor about your journey and struggles. And thank you for sharing the gift of strength and mobility.”

— Kira S.

Mobility Strength

“So far, so good! I recently started working on Mobility Strength and have been excited about how I feel each day after doing only the 10 minute version. As a 54 year old out of shape guy, I'm working my way up to the 30 minute flow video. Also as a 54 year old, I have small nicks and twinges in my body that sometimes derail my fitness plans. I am appreciative of your program and the focus on injury prevention and remediation. My shoulder and knee may never be the same as they were in my 20's, but I am encouraged by how I'm feeling after working with Mobility Strength. I do believe it will help me reach my goals!”


Mobility One

“I really enjoy this program. I used to be so active. A long distance runner in my younger days, to yoga & hiking in my middle years but from recovering from injury & collapsed vertebrae exercise has been a struggle leaving me often in pain. This program is brilliant & I saw an improvement on my mobility very quickly. Kneeling & squatting are things I can do again with out pain. I'm feeling stronger & for the first time in a long time I know I'm on the right track getting my old self & life back. It's simple but so effective & though gentle you feel like you've had a good work out. I'm really pleased I found KaisaFit & I've already recommended it to my friends & family.”

— claire h.

Mobility Strength

“I've been doing these exercises and the difference it has made to my knee pain due to tight glutes, magical I can go for runs and walk without any pain!!! This is the medicine, Thank you”

— Edson W.

Mobility One

“I think it will be good once I get used to it and become a little more mobile. The video is great it moved a little fast for me and I have a bad knee so no low squats for me! I'm looking forward to continuing”

— elizabeth t.

Mobility One

“I couldn’t do legs training because of knee and back problems that causes me big pain even when i was doing regular moves like rising up from the chair.My knee pain and my back pain are almost gone after a week of every day doing 30 minutes of mobility one! This is the best mobility program so far!”

— Mihaela B.

Mobility One

“I'm 62 years old and very active. I have been a long distance runner and later a competitive bodybuilder. I suffer from hip and knee issues and have been in pain for years. This is just the workout i was looking for to add to my weight training. I just finished the 30 minute routine and feel wonderful Thank you so much. I look forward to using these routines daily.”

— Isabelle C.

Mobility One

“Mobility One is an awesome supplement to my regular workouts. I have used P90X, P90X2 and P90X3 religiously for many years now and have always used the P90X Stretch program. I have found Mobility One to be a great addition and a way to incorporate new movements. I had a total knee replacement in 2008. I have only 115 degrees of flexion in that knee but was still able to practice most of the moves in Mobility One. I highly recommend it.”

— Michael M.

Mobility One

“I ordered this program about a month ago. I’ve been doing boot camp workouts and my body has been in so much pain. I decided I needed something to help improve my flexibility. When I ordered the set I did the 10 minute session just to give it a try. I was dying after. I couldn’t believe how hard it was for me to do some of these movements. It took me nearly a month to attempt again. Today I did the 30 minute session and took her advice of slowing it down. I did 1-2 sets of each motion instead of 5 or so like she does. I felt much better slowing it down, holding the stretch a little before moving on and slowing my movements in the transitions. My biggest issue is how much time is spent on the knees. I’ll have to be sure to have a towel or other cushion under me until things become stronger and more flexible. Over all the set is amazing and some of these motions are ones I have not done when using other videos. I look forward to my progress as time goes on. Today went much better than the first time and I can tell that regular use of this program will really help me feel better!”

— Tahany E.

Mobility One

“After dealing with sciatica, plantar fasciitis and a number of shoulder/spine/hip/knee/ankle misalignments, weaknesses and injuries in my life, this was a fantastic routine to wake up my joints, ligaments and core and get them all moving together again. Looking forward to continuing to build my mobility so I can exercise with more confidence, strength and power!”

— Lianna K.

Mobility One

“I'm a very active person, but I noticed recently that my body was becoming more and more sore and tight areas were not getting the stretching they needed to prevent injury, particularly my knees and low back. I moved through the moves just once, and I noticed pain and tightness relief so quickly! It was amazing after dealing with the discomfort for a few weeks. This definitely gives the body what it need to keep moving effectively.”

— Bridget G.

Mobility One

“I'm pleased to have found Mobility One! I suffer from a tight mid thoracic back, and hip and knee pain. This routine helps me mobilise these joints and eases my muscles tension. I am excited that I can use this as part of exercise and rehab routine and really believe that I will have relief as a result. Thank you!”

— Wanita W.

Mobility One

“Instructor and instruction is concise and the stying is great. There are so many “poses” done on your knees and that is tough for me. I have a bad knee and even though I use cushioned knee mats it’s a lot of stress on the bad knee. I’m rehabbing they knee and look forward to being able to utilize the site fully!”

— Jenette H.

Mobility One

“I am amazed how much this helped my knee. I have been having lots of pain in both my hips and right knee. I knew in my heart that it was due to how tight my hips were from sitting and being inflexible in general. After the 1st workout, I had 2 days of no pain in my knee and felt I could climb stairs without more normally. I did the 10 minute quick session before running my dog in agility class and could run more easily.”

— Juliana H.

Mobility One

“I love this routine! Yoga bores me (mentally) because I feel like I get lost in the space of holding the move. This flows from one segment to the next fluidly. It got a bit of a heart rate up and some sweat going on. I was really surprised at how I liked it. I have a broken back that was likely a birth defect. I shouldn't be able to walk blah blah blah. That makes it so I cannot feel the engagement of the posterior muscles working. So when my hips and knees got shot to hell, I couldn't feel the effects of the deterioration until it was way past fixable. I have two hip replacements and one knee replacement, had them all before I was 53. I need to keep the hips and low back moving and open. So this is one of the things I added in. But I really like it, and can see that it will definitely help to keep me moving. I'm really glad I bought this.”

— Lorrie B.

Mobility One

“I was a yoga teacher, and after 3 knee surgeries, I had to give up and struggled with mobility ever since. I was even scared to go back to any sort of fitness routine... Mobility one has opened that door again, and so far so good. It is gentle on the joints yet terribly efficient, and an overall good workout. I also do like Kaisa's attitude which is encouraging, fun and humble.”

— Mariannick H.

Mobility One

“I am sooo glad I got Kaisa's Mobility routine!!! It's become one of my favorite routines. I like to lift weights, and it really helps warm up up my muscles and joints (especially my shoulders/upper back, lower back and knees/hamstrings). And it's great on my days off for recovery. I really love the short version, too! I do it in the mornings to get my blood going before I start the day. I've been recommending it to everyone I know! Great routine!!!”

— Reagan M.

Mobility One

“I love the mobility training. It is quick, easy to follow, and effective. I can get straight into my demanding workouts without fear or if Injury. This comes in right on time for me after 2 knee surgeries, two bulging discs, shoulder injury, and overactive hamstrings. I am currently reviewing my schedule to see if I can add it more often. Thank you!!”

— Sharita O.

Mobility One

“This will literally save my butt! I transitioned a year ago from a very active job to a desk job and my butt is KILLING ME. But so are my knees and hips too. Working these mobility moves into my daily routine is getting all the cobwebs out. I'm so grateful.”

— Michelle B.

Mobility One

“I broke my leg in three places a year ago and had it surgically repaired with a rod and five screws. I am trying my best to get back to full mobility despite range of motion issues at the knee and ankle. This program is amazing. It has helped me believe in myself, push myself gently and stretch those tired and aching muscles which have been through a lot either bearing my full weight (good leg) or non weight-bearing (broken leg) for so long. Thank you so much for this program, Kaisa!”

— Shiv K.

Mobility One

“Great workout! I’m 65 yrs old with arthritis & bilateral knee replacements. I made it through the workout without much trouble. Adjusted where I needed to. Loved how I felt when I finished. Plan to do this 3 times a week to keep me flexible & mobile”

— Joyce J.

Mobility One

“I have a knee injury so I'm taking it slow, however, I've enjoyed very much this wonderful strength and mobility inducing workout. I find a couple of the movements more challenging than others but all in all it is fabulous and I will continue using Mobility ONE every day.”

— Jill C.

Mobility One

“Love this workout. I have suffered from hip and knee pain for 7 years now...I went to physical therapy after doing this after my workouts and my therapist was IMPRESSED! I'd definitely recommend the program to ANYONE!”

— Leonae F.

Mobility One

“I loved this Mobility session, and I sure was sweating by the end of it. I love the full range of exercises from head to toe. Her explanations were easy to follow and for the most part I was able to do them all. Some were hard on my poor knees, but I feel with time and working this program regularly they will get stronger and more mobile. Thank you Kaisa for this wonderful program. Hugs xo”

— Debra C.