Flow and Core

Show your core some love with this flow routine that will help you feel connected and strengthen your body. Stretch it out!

Learn Crow — Day 6

It’s Day 6–are you ready to try crow pose? Today, we’ll warm up by moving through familiar shapes, and then Elena will guide you into crow pose! If you can’t get it on the first try, don’t be discouraged. Keep at it, and you’ll get there!

Learn Crow — Day 5

For Day 5, we focus on dynamic wrist stretches, core work, and hip mobility. By this point, things will start feeling more familiar, but try to stay present with the movement, and soon you’ll be on your way to crow!

Learn Crow — Day 1

Join Elena for Day 1 of the Learn Crow program! This 25 minute yoga class that will help you feel strong and powerful as you establish building blocks for the crow pose.

Finger Stretch

Take a couple minutes and stretch your fingers out, Team! If you’re at your computer or on your phone all day, they’ll need it.

Wake Up Your Spine Yoga

Good morning, Team! This gentle 5-minute yoga routine with Coach Georgina will help you start your day right by stretching and mobilizing your spine.

Mobility for Calm

Need to chill out? Join Kaisa for this gentle mobility routine. Using the power of breathing and movement, you’ll promote calm and leave feeling relaxed and refreshed.

Wrist Recovery 2

Your wrists need time to recover too! Take 5 minutes to bring some relief to your overworked joints and tendons with this flow from Coach Georgina.