Stay On Your Feet

Grab a chair and let’s focus on that balance! Tricia’s 10-minute routine combines strength and standing leg balance work for a beginner-level challenge. Perfect for anyone looking to improve their balance!

Lengthen to Strengthn

Banish stiffness and achieve pain-free movement in this 5 minute, Start-level routine! Join Tricia as she guides you through a muscle-lengthening mobility flow to improve range of motion. Great as a warmup or midday movement break!

Let It Build

Grab a sturdy chair and join Kaisa for this mobility workout! She’ll take you through a warm-up, workout, and cool-down.

Barre Basics

Interested in barre, but don’t know where to start? Tricia’s got you covered! This beginner workout will introduce you to the basic moves involved in a barre class and begin to build your muscular endurance.

Pain Free Sleep

Join Tricia in this relaxing routine to help make sleeping (and waking up!) easier on your body.

Easy Knees

Tricia shows you some moves to pull some of the pain from your knees in this standing workout.

Low Back Release

Release tension in your lower back with Tricia, who’s dealt with back stuff for most of her life.

Quick Energy

Get that heart rate up in under ten minutes with Tricia’s quick cardio workout! These bodyweight moves will have you sweating in no time. This is a great cardio movement break for any time of the day.

Standing Warm-up

Get ready to move! This 10-minute warm-up will set you up for success. Perfect before a more intense workout, or as a movement break in the middle of your busy day.